When you take the high road you will see things that some people can't.

Shannon L. Alder
When you take the high road you will see things...
When you take the high road you will see things...
When you take the high road you will see things...
When you take the high road you will see things...
About This Quote

When you take the high road you will see things that some people can't. The idea of “taking the high road” is meant to mean doing something noble and good, not only for yourself but also for others. For example, when a mother or father takes a child to a restaurant or a store and lets that child run around, that child is learning a valuable lesson: that it is okay to be outside and understand that it is okay to be spoiled. It is okay to go places where other children are going because the parents won’t allow the child to get hurt. By taking the high road, the parent encourages the child to learn by doing as opposed to just telling them what they should do.

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